Saturday, March 17, 2007

Exams coming in May

Nooo... my IGCSE (the REAL ONE) exams are coming up in May and I really think I need more revising on all my subjects.. particularly on the ones that I didn't do very well on in my MOCK.. for example (Information and Communication Technology) which is basically computer based stuff.

Life is unfair..

I read the Chinese Newspaper a lot but I don't really know why I don't do so well in Mandarin exams compared to other people who don't even read the Newspaper..

At the moment I'm doing Mandarin Past Paper homework.. pretty boring.. Ah well. Not surprising - homework is always boring.

Anyways.. guess that I'm made to work harder.. gotta continue with my homework and stuff, cya! Sorry for not posting regularly.. It's just because I don't seem to be getting much comments and views.. Hopefully more of you will post comments and view my Web-log! Toodles!

1 comment:

xiaoxian said...

Your life seems boring. :(